Process Communication Model Process Communication Model

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Welcome to the German Process Communication Model® site. We want to show you how you can use PCM to quickly and permanently build genuine and sustainable relationships - professionally and privately!

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PCM is the tool to make a daily difference

We all want to live and interact positively. And we all want to access our own and others’ potential. The great thing is: we can. The Process Communication Model® is a validated tool to decode human interactions, helping you to make the most of every conversation, situation and day.

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The world’s leading brands in the industry today work with our revolutionary communication model.
Build better relationships within your team and organization
Are you ready to create an environment in which you and your team will thrive and build on each other’s strengths? Learn to speak each other’s language and contribute to a workplace that leverages differences for the better. Want to know how?
Process Communication Model

A not-so-secret decoder This is how it works

PCM is the premier tool for decoding human interactions. Practicing PCM teaches us how to observe our behaviors, which in turn lets us identify the communication strengths and preferences of ourselves and others. This understanding is based on differentiating six personality types that we all have within us: Thinker, Persister, Rebel, Promoter, Harmonizer, and Imaginer. A unique combination of the six types takes center stage in everyone. You can practice PCM in four steps.
01. Be aware of your personality
Process Communication Model
Understanding your preferences means knowing what energizes you and what ticks you off.
02. Recognize what other people do, say, and show
Process Communication Model
These observations inform you about people’s preferences and the best way to connect.
03. Adapt your communication style
Process Communication Model
In order to make a genuine connection that feels good for both of you.
04. Build happier relationships
Process Communication Model
With everyday interactions, at work and at home, every day.
Uwe Reiner-Kolouch
PCM Mastertrainer
Einatmen. Ausatmen. PCM. Weiteratmen!
PCM funktioniert und ist praktisch messbar!
Ines Bollert
Führungskraft & PCM Trainerin, typenoffen - Ines Bollert
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Stephan Sommerbauer über seine Erfahrungen mit PCM
Es macht Spaß sich und anderen auf die Schliche zu kommen.
Stephan Sommerbauer
CX- & Strategie-Consultant, Musiker, PCM-Trainer,
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Juliana Klemm über Ihre Arbeit mit PCM
Ich weiß jetzt noch genauer, was ich brauche, um bei guter Energie zu sein.
Juliana Klemm
Agiler Coach, Unternehmensberaterin, Trainerin,
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Conny Kreuter über ihre Erfahrungen mit PCM
PCM macht das Leben einfach leichter.
Conny Kreuter
Profitänzerin, Moderatorin und Kommunikations- und Persönlichkeitstrainerin,
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Kinderarzt Dr. Martin Beck
PCM-Zertifizierung = (Praxis + Wissen) x Üben Martin Beck
Kinderarzt, Kinder, Medizin & Kommunikation - Dr. Martin Beck
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PCM in der Teamentwicklung
Das Verhalten anderer verstehen und sie akzeptieren, wie sie sind.
Dr. Silke Rosumek
HR-Expertin & PCM-Trainerin, PCM – topoi Consulting GmbH
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Mit dem richtigen Gespräch kann sich alles zum Besseren wenden
Alexandra Schwänzl
HR Manager, Aviko - Alexandra Schwänzl
PIXAR Animation Studios
Meine PCM-Erfahrung hat mir sehr geholfen, den Weg zum fertigen Film zu gehen.
Katherine Sarafian
Producer and Certified PCM Trainer, PIXAR Animation Studios
Sephora, LVMH
Das Process Communication Model verbindet Menschen miteinander
Boris Duscha
Retail & Operations Director, Sephora, LVMH

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As a certified trainer or coach, you’ll be qualified to train or coach with PCM. Enroll for the next certification training and get ready for the journey of a lifetime. Get certified
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