Learn PCM

Discover the strength of PCM

Get certified as a trainer or a coach

Make a difference for your clients

As a trainer or a coach, you know communication and personality models and the insights they offer. But are you still left wondering how to translate these insights into everyday actions? Practicing the Process Communication Model® enables you to teach your clients how to understand what they need to be their best. From this place of awareness, they can learn to connect to the best in others.

A real-time model
with real-life advantages

With a mission that transcends work and a vision that applies to everyday life, PCM is different. Teaching this communication model has extraordinary advantages.

01. Real-time results

Teach people to identify behavior patterns to improve their daily lives and, in real time, learn how to improve your training relationship with them.

02. Applicable to anyone everywhere

Guide learners to internalize a template for stronger communication and benefit from your teaching environment also becoming a setting in which everyone can thrive.

03. A model’s model

Get the missing link to translate other models or adapt tools you already use to best suit personalities of those you train or coach.

04. Infinite changes for the better

Enjoy as many opportunities to leverage differences for the better as you have coaching interactions, not just day by day but second by second.

To complete before starting the PCM coaching certification. PCM 1 and PCM 2 are prerequisites to enrolling in the PCM coach and training certification. If you have already completed them let's continue the route here.

Core topics

Once you learn your own strengths, needs, and warning signals by completing the PCM profile, you are ready to help others do the same. Seminar 1 teaches the fundamentals and skills of effective communication, motivation, and self-management.

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Advanced topics

Seminar 2 provides advanced training on conflict management and motivation. Completion of Seminar 1 is a prerequisite to attend Seminar 2. After completing the seminars, you are ready for a deep dive into how to become a PCM trainer.

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Get certified

Plan your training or coaching journey


Module 1

Training put into practice

  • Take the PCM theory exam
  • Practice in a training setting
  • Solidify communication and motivation skills
  • Practice interventions

Module 2

Advanced training in practice

  • Deepen your knowledge on management
  • Sharpen motivation identification skills
  • Practice interventions
  • Teach PCM 1 topic in a mock exam
  • Get ready -to-use personalized feedback
Trial training i Your PCM trial training
In your own setting with a maximum 10 participants.

Module 3

Trainer certification

  • Exam: teach a PCM 1 topic in a training setting
  • Show full theoretical understanding 
  • Model self management
  • Command effective intervention application
  • Complete certification and get certified

Module 1

Insight and application of PCM in coaching

  • Debrief PCM Profile
  • Put PCM into practice in a live coaching setting

Module 2

Your PCM Coaching & supervision

  • Theory exam (open book)
  • Practice debriefing & coaching with 3 coaches
  • Intervision with participants

Module 3

PCM Certification for coaches exam

  • Live coaching with PCM certification exam
  • Model self management
  • Complete certification and get certified

Any questions about getting certified?

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  • Anmeldegebühr: EUR 250,--
    (Nicht rückzahlbar, fällig bei Anmeldung)
  • Ausbildung: EUR 5.200,--
  • Zertifizierungsgebühr: EUR 500,--

Alle Preise exkl. MwSt.

Die Vorraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist ein absolviertes 3- oder 4-tägiges PCM-Grundlagen-Seminar nicht älter als 2 Jahre und ein absolviertes PCM-Advanced Seminar nicht älter als 1 Jahr bei einem/r zertifizierten PCM Trainer:in.

Das PCM-Grundlagenseminar habe ich besucht bzw. werde ich besuchen bei:

Das PCM-Advanced-Seminar habe ich besucht bzw. werde ich besuchen bei:

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