Learn PCM

Discover the strength of PCM

Adapt what you say, do, and show

Set positivity in motion

Talking comes naturally to some people, while others prove to be good listeners. And yet, having engaged, effective interactions takes effort. Practicing PCM — short for Process Communication Model® — teaches us how to adapt what we say, do, and show to make the most of every conversation and situation. Along the way, we learn how to leverage our differences to make a difference at work, at home, and in the world.

Process Communication Model

A not-so-secret decoder This is how it works

PCM is the premier tool for decoding human interactions. Practicing PCM teaches us how to observe our behaviors, which in turn lets us identify the communication strengths and preferences of ourselves and others. This understanding is based on differentiating six personality types that we all have within us: Thinker, Persister, Rebel, Promoter, Harmonizer, and Imaginer. A unique combination of the six types takes center stage in everyone. You can practice PCM in four steps.
01. Be aware of your personality
Process Communication Model
Understanding your preferences means knowing what energizes you and what ticks you off.
02. Recognize what other people do, say, and show
Process Communication Model
These observations inform you about people’s preferences and the best way to connect.
03. Adapt your communication style
Process Communication Model
In order to make a genuine connection that feels good for both of you.
04. Build happier relationships
Process Communication Model
With everyday interactions, at work and at home, every day.
Uwe Reiner-Kolouch
PCM Mastertrainer

The benefits
for you

Genuine connections
Observe others’ behaviors in order to make mutually satisfying connections.

Less stress, more substance
Overcome miscommunication that stands in the way of stronger relationships.

A better world
Let every conversation contribute to a world that leverages differences for the better

The benefits
for your organization

Inclusive yet individualized leadership
Recognize each team member’s needs to motivate individuals most effectively.

Improved productivity
Redirect negative talk or miscommunication into productive outcomes.

Welcomed diversity
Leverage differences in culture and personality to unite people and work together.


of employees would be less likely to consider quitting if their companies were better at effectively communicating, even when satisfied with their compensation


According to Dynamic Signal study: https://dynamicsignal.com/2019/03/20/2019-employee-communication-and-engagement-study/

Plan your journey

PCM profile

Everything starts with discovery of your personality through the PCM Profile. Learn your individual strengths, needs, and warning signals by completing our validated questionnaire and get the most out of our training. PCM seminars and coaching are available online and in person.

PCM 1: Core topics

Attend PCM 1 to learn the fundamentals and skills of effective communication, motivation, and self-management. There are no prerequisites to attend.

Learn more
PCM 2: Advanced topics

PCM 2 provides advanced training on conflict management and motivation. Completion PCM 1 is a prerequisite to enroll in PCM 2.


Spark your PCM learning journey in one of three training settings: еnjoy learning and building skills alongside like-minded people from different fields and walks of life? Attend seminar 1 in a group or find a trainer for in-company team training.


Prefer learning on an individual basis?

Find a coach for a one-on-one journey to gain self-insights and build your strengths.


Ready to learn as a team? Request a customized in-company training to lead everyone to better self-understanding and positive interactions.

Find a trainer near you

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Learn about PCM’s origins

About PCM

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  • Anmeldegebühr: EUR 250,--
    (Nicht rückzahlbar, fällig bei Anmeldung)
  • Ausbildung: EUR 5.200,--
  • Zertifizierungsgebühr: EUR 500,--

Alle Preise exkl. MwSt.

Die Vorraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist ein absolviertes 3- oder 4-tägiges PCM-Grundlagen-Seminar nicht älter als 2 Jahre und ein absolviertes PCM-Advanced Seminar nicht älter als 1 Jahr bei einem/r zertifizierten PCM Trainer:in.

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