About us

Join our flourishing network

Get certified as a trainer or a coach

Ignite change for the better

About our organization

Kahler Communication – KCG GmbH is the exclusive distributor of PCM in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We certify trainers and coaches, and provide all the resources and knowledge they need to practice PCM to their fullest potential. In addition, we publish books and organize events to introduce PCM to as many people as possible.

Nice to meet you

Local opportunities, global benefits

Local opportunities, global benefits

By joining the global PCM community - with a total of over 5,000 PCM certified trainers and coaches in more than 50 countries - you can grow professionally and personally. Here are some of the benefits of our network:

Course materials and products

Get started right away: Receive ready-to-use training and/or coaching materials, including different PCM Profiles and access to ongoing product innovations and new teaching materials.

Flexible deployment

Enjoy the ability to work with groups, one-on-one, in-house at your company, and classroom or online.

Marketing support

Benefit locally from the our global marketing activities.

A supportive community

Take advantage of the PCM network: to ask questions, for supervision, and for 'special' cases. Participate in our regular networking meetings classroom and online.

Continuing education

Participate in Masterclasses, Inspiration Days, online and classroom training sessions, conferences for continuing education to grow as a PCM Certified Professional

Find a certified PCM professional near you

The more people who practice PCM, the more we can all enjoy a world with fewer misunderstandings and more changes for the better. Interested in helping set positivity in motion?

Become a trainer or a coach

The more people who practice PCM, the more we can all enjoy a world with fewer misunderstandings and more changes for the better. Interested in helping set positivity in motion?

Get certified

Relevant articles

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Kahler Communication KCG
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Uwe Reiner-Kolouch
PCM-Coach & PCM-Mastertrainer:in
Unterricht & Didaktik
Kahler Communication KCG
Kahler Communication KCG
PCM Hintergrundwissen
Kahler Communication KCG
Kahler Communication KCG
Führung & Leadership
Kahler Communication KCG
Kahler Communication KCG
Führung & Leadership

Let’s connect

Do you have a question about PCM, how to get started in your organization or just want to chat? Please feel free to contact us, we're happy to help.

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Great that you want to learn more about PCM. Will you let us know how we can help? We will contact you within 24 hours.

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  • Anmeldegebühr: EUR 250,--
    (Nicht rückzahlbar, fällig bei Anmeldung)
  • Ausbildung: EUR 5.200,--
  • Zertifizierungsgebühr: EUR 500,--

Alle Preise exkl. MwSt.

Die Vorraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist ein absolviertes 3- oder 4-tägiges PCM-Grundlagen-Seminar nicht älter als 2 Jahre und ein absolviertes PCM-Advanced Seminar nicht älter als 1 Jahr bei einem/r zertifizierten PCM Trainer:in.

Das PCM-Grundlagenseminar habe ich besucht bzw. werde ich besuchen bei:

Das PCM-Advanced-Seminar habe ich besucht bzw. werde ich besuchen bei:

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