Magda Tabac

Magda Tabac


Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible!

About me

Hi, I’m Magda Tabac or… “The PCM Lady”, as one client called me some time ago and it stuck. For over 12 years I worked in corporations in Germany, Brazil, Romania, and the UK.

In 2017, I decided to change my career. I turned to subjects that have always interested me: training, psychology and neuroscience, and I’ve obtained my certifications as a Trainer in Process Communication Model (PCM), Emotional Assertiveness (EA) and as a NeuroMindfulness Master Practitioner.

Since then, I have helped individuals and teams from corporations such as Mercedes-Benz, Vodafone, ING Bank, London Stock Exchange Group, NEPI, and SAP, to name a few, improve their self-awareness, make their communication more effective and better manage their stress.

My articles have been published in TrainingZone, HRZone, and Thrive Global.


Region: München
Languages: English, Spanisch
Specialization: Finanzwirtschaft, IT, Kommunikation, Leadership & Management, View all (4) PCM Zertifizierung, Telekom, Wissenschaft & Universität
Phone: 01624237039
E-mail: Contact me

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Do you have a question about PCM, how to get started in your organization or just want to chat? Please feel free to contact us, we're happy to help.

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  • Anmeldegebühr: EUR 250,--
    (Nicht rückzahlbar, fällig bei Anmeldung)
  • Ausbildung: EUR 5.200,--
  • Zertifizierungsgebühr: EUR 500,--

Alle Preise exkl. MwSt.

Die Vorraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist ein absolviertes 3- oder 4-tägiges PCM-Grundlagen-Seminar nicht älter als 2 Jahre und ein absolviertes PCM-Advanced Seminar nicht älter als 1 Jahr bei einem/r zertifizierten PCM Trainer:in.

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Das PCM-Advanced-Seminar habe ich besucht bzw. werde ich besuchen bei:

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