Connect to the best in yourself and others

Use PCM to identify and leverage our differences. And make a difference for yourself, and others. Big and small. Every day.

People with a lot of Harmonizer energy are warm and compassionate. They want you to feel good and they need to be appreciated for who they are.

Here’s how to connect:

  • Create a pleasant atmosphere
  • Show that you appreciate him or her
  • Invite collaboration in a caring setting

People with a lot of Thinker energy are responsible and logical. They look for facts and data.

Here’s how to connect:

  • Provide thorough information
  • Show them you value their work and time
  • Ask for their ideas

People with a lot of Persister energy are dedicated and attentive. They need to be respected for their conviction.

Here’s how to connect:

  • Ask for their opinions
  • Invest in mutual respect
  • Show them you appreciate their valuable contributions

People with a lot of Promoter energy are direct and charming. They always find a way to make things happen.

Here’s how to connect:

  • Skip the small talk and get straight to business
  • Challenge them with promising initiatives
  • Offer them the opportunity to shine

People with a lot of Rebel energy  are spontaneous and creative. They bring energy and like to try something new.

Here’s how to connect:

  • Keep it playful and use humor
  • Allow room for new ideas and experiences
  • Be open to spontaneous reactions

People with a lot of Imaginer energy are imaginative and calm. They need to take their time to reflect and to ponder concepts.

Here’s how to connect:

  • Provide them time and space
  • Give clear instructions
  • Appeal to their imagination

    How can you recognize which energy the people around you are in right now?
    What mix of these six personality types do these people - and you yourself - have in your personality?
    What effects does this have in your everyday conversations?
    And how do you deal with it in interaction and in dealing with yourself?

You will get all these answers in the PCM 1 Core Topics seminar. Check it out and subscribe today.

Want to learn more?

  • How can you recognize which energy the people around you are in right now?
  • What mix of these six personality types do these people - and you yourself - have in your personality?
  • What effects does this have in your everyday conversations?
  • And how do you deal with it in interaction and in dealing with yourself?

You will get all these answers in the PCM 1 Core Topics seminar. Check it out and subscribe today.

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  • Anmeldegebühr: EUR 250,--
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  • Ausbildung: EUR 5.200,--
  • Zertifizierungsgebühr: EUR 500,--

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Die Vorraussetzung für die Teilnahme ist ein absolviertes 3- oder 4-tägiges PCM-Grundlagen-Seminar nicht älter als 2 Jahre und ein absolviertes PCM-Advanced Seminar nicht älter als 1 Jahr bei einem/r zertifizierten PCM Trainer:in.

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